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Game bugs out everytime very early for me.

I awake, I walk to front door, I return upstairs to reply. I choose my reply, it pans in to my response. Then it never moves.

As much as I spam click or press buttons the page just jiggles around ever so slightly. Restarted 3 times then gave up.

Hmm. Might be a problem with your computers aspect ratio causing some buttons such as the back button to not appear. Sorry, but I don't know how to fix things like that for computer screen sizes.

Okay , thankyou for the reply. I'll try and change something myself.

I am playing on a 1680x1050 monitor so you're probably 100% right.


Creepy vibes and a feeling of unease are how I explain this game. I had fun so worth the play for sure and because there are different endings means I need to go back to play again.


Loved watching this. Sorry it was pretty short, as this is my first game lol. Thanks for playing.


Lol short and sweet but the different endings made up for it being short because it had replay value.

The first time encountering it startled me. Atmospheric and creepy and it was fun going through all the notes.


Congrats on both endings, and thanks for playing.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for playing. Enjoyed the vid a bunch.

Deleted 1 year ago



bad ending

This runs really slow on my low end pc sadly. I wish I could play cuz it has my curiosity.

Sorry about that. Tbh, my own computer doesn't run my own game that well. lol

Oh lmaoo. Well its ok.


Hi there, I am proud to say that I have finally managed to complete the game and was really happy to be able to find all the hidden letters and learn more about the story of my Pen Pal. I am pretty curious as to what the good ending of the game means as from my interpretation of the ending, it means that my Pen Pal is willing to let the main character off but not really at the same time? XD

I would like to thank the creator of the game so much for lending me a helping hand in finding the good ending for the game. I feel that most people would have just ignored the players' request for help so thank you so much MaskedSteven for being nice giving me a few hints on how to achieve the good ending. Will be looking forward to more games from you in the future!


Thank you very much for supporting me, and congrats on getting the ending. :)


Heya! I am one of the testers for this game, and former friend of the developer! I'm here to add some things myself, and my own thoughts... 

This was an amazing start for someone who just started on working with Unreal Engine. Choosing papers in order to see what your pen pal will respond with, and the atmosphere gives a feeling of dread for sure... It's indescribable!

For those who see this game/and or comment, please give it a play! Your pen buddy is waiting for ya on the other side...

Deleted 1 year ago

hey ! i really enjoyed it but i had to complain a bit but nonetheless good job and i hope you enjoy the vid and dont mind the intro :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing and thanks for the criticism you gave, as I can use it in future projects. And I love the mickey mouse voice. That is now his cannon voice.

love your game

Thanks for playing.


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a really cool and interesting horror game about becoming pen pals with someone quite strange and unique. It is actually quite difficult to write the correct letter to the Pen Pal as both options given to the main character seem to be good and bad at the same time since we do not know much about the Pen Pal. The black and white design of the game and the design of the Pen Pal definitely led to a scary mood and atmosphere in the game since everything appears to be safe and simple when it is not. So far, I have only gotten the bad ending for the game and I definitely got confused at what the Pen Pal likes after playing through it multiple times XD. I liked the unique idea behind the game, having the player pick between letters with different information to send to the Pen Pals when both letter appear to be good until you realise it may not be the case after sending it. Will be trying to get the good ending and understand my Pen Pal better XD!

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed. I would like to say that along with selecting the right letters to write to the pen pal, there are also secret  notes that can appear in random places around the house depending on the replies you choose. In order to get the good ending you have to pick up these hidden notes AND choose the right things to say in your letters. 

Again, I'm super happy you enjoyed :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the heads-up! I have played the game for a really long time and I still can't get the good ending XDDDD. I have found 2 of the hidden letters so far and I am going to take a break now XD. If you didn't give me a hint about how to get the good ending, I probably would not have even gotten closer to the truth so thank you so much!

I'll give you one more hint. The first note is in the trash can in the office. ;)

XD. I actually found the first note already from spamming the key "E" everywhere around the house. I just managed to figured out how to get the third note after realising that I was thinking too much LEL.

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