A downloadable game for Windows

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No good school is complete without a loveable mascot to go with it, and our school just might have the very best! Welcome to Haftlatt Elementary! 

You may or may not be attending our school by your own free will, but either way you're in for some of the most exciting school days you've ever had! With invigorating schoolwork, a friendly staff, and our adorable school mascot Bobby the Pet Rock, we make sure that every student we have under our care wishes they could never leave! (Nobody has for years now anyways) 

Just always remember that if you are to attend our school, there's one VERY important guideline that must be followed at all times...

NEVER let Bobby go hungry.


Pet Rock Duty revolves around escaping the pocket dimension school building you've somehow bled into after entering your new school for the first time. A simple task until you realize the school door is heavily barricaded, with the tools needed to open it being hidden around the school. 

Along with this, you soon come to realize that there are several beings within the school who seem to be intent on keeping you from leaving. Will you be able to best the schools various creatures, uncover the items needed to escape, and live to hear the school bell ring all while keeping Bobby the Rock fed? I suppose only time will tell...

The gameplay of Pet Rock Duty includes:

  • Slow and strategic gameplay that rewards planning ahead
  • Multiple difficulties each with their own ending
  • Ambient music tracks that grow with your progression
  • Unlockable bonus content
  • Bonus challenges
  • Funny rocks
  • Other stuff probably


Game created by Eli Stevens

Original soundtrack by Birdbonanza

Protagonist new kid voiced by Zion Butrin

School announcer man voiced by Birdbonanza

Minor help with artwork by Balatrospades

Game developed using Unreal Engine 4.27

3d modelling done using Blender 3.0

Sound edited using Audacity 

Fonts provided by DaFont

Free 3d models provided by Turbosquid and Free3d

Beta tested by:



Skelly Boi

Patrick Rubbles


Soren Baker

Feel free to join my community Discord server below if you're interested in discussing any of my work, meeting some cool new people, and just hanging out in a chill environment. 

You'll also be notified of anything I do in the future.

(Ages 16+)


Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorEli Stevens
GenreStrategy, Adventure, Puzzle, Survival
Made withUnreal Engine, Audacity, Blender
TagsComedy, Creative, First-Person, Horror, Indie, Singleplayer, Survival Horror
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Pet Rock Duty V1.12.5.zip 559 MB

Development log


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Scary Scuffed Games #245


Vorgeschlagen von: Maskedflow

Tatsächlich sehr interessantes Spiel, es erinnert etwas an Syko no Sutoka aber auch gleichzeitig komplett mit eigenem System. Während man Dinge sucht um aus der Schule zu entkommen hält man Bobby den Stein bei laune, damit er einem nicht die Rübe weggknuspert! Bereits im Easymode kam ich ziemlich ins Schwitzen und musste erst herausfinden wie was überhaupt funktioniert. Von der Bedienung zwar leicht verständlich, allerdings fäng ich es nicht schlecht, wenn man bestimmte Items wie Essen vielleicht irgendwo zwischenlagern könnte. Für mich war zuerst nicht klar ersichtlich, dass ich meine Futtertüten für den vollgestopften Bobby im Mülleimer entsorgen musste, damit ich wieder die Hände frei habe. Viele interessante Idee, auch die kurzen Matheaufgaben haben etwas spannendes dazu beigetragen. Die Voicelines waren teils wirklich schwer verständlich, daher wären Untertitel vielleicht angebracht. Auch einige der Monster kamen irgendwie zu kurz, und wurden entweder kaum bis garnicht erklärt, was ich doch schade fand. Alles in allem eine Steinrunde Sache, mit ein paar Ecken und kanten die man aber gut ausschleifen könnte.


Dito: 4/5

Chat: 3.1/5

Gesamt: 3.55/5

Glad you enjoyed it. I'll definitely work to add subtitles, and maybe think of some ways to explain the characters better. :)